Because I have Moebius… I got the job

How about that for a reversal of fortune? As we approach Thanksgiving, I guess I need to take a moment to thank the people I know because of the fact that we share Moebius in our lives, with whom I’ve developed friendships with for being there for me through good times and… not so good times. I’ve done wonderful things with Moebius friends – seen first previews of what went on to be Broadway sensations, wandered the streets of San Francisco and New York… and the fact that we were brought together basically by chance is amazing if you think about it. And today, I got a job offer because someone knew I was looking, knew what I was capable of, and trusted me. So today, I thank all my friends who I’ve met through the Moebius community.

1 Comment

  1. Tom says:

    Congratulations Natalie! If only we could all be so lucky!


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